Release Your Heart-Wall Course

Release trapped emotions so you can align with physical, emotional, spiritual and financial abundance!

Click Here to Schedule a Time To Talk to See If This Is Right For You!


Do You Feel:

  • isolated, disconnected or distanced from yourself & others
  • like success is elusive to you?
  • emotionally numb or as if you are in an emotional  "straight-jacket"?
  • stuck and you don't know why?
  • like there is a weight on your chest?
  • sad and wanting to cry often?
It may be because you have a Heart-Wall.

What is A Heart-Wall?

When we experience pain or trauma our emotions have energetic frequencies and become solids, creating a wall around our heart to protect us from harm.

This is a good temporary protection but not a good permanent solution.



Who Can Have A Heart-Wall?

Anyone who has experienced heartache or trauma, no matter how big or small, can have a Heart-Wall (even animals can have a Heart-Wall).

It’s been found that 93% of the population is living with a Heart-Wall.


Negative Impacts of a Heart-Wall

  • Love messages are tainted
  • Hurt relationships
  • Creates isolation
  • Blocks out creativity and success
  • Self-doubt
  • Lack of self-love 


"Wow, that was amazing….I feel like there is this massive expansion of my heart space. I feel really open. It’s quite amazing!"

Neelam P.

Once we release your Heart-Wall you:

  • feel lighter and freer
  • find success
  • are more open to love
  • feel emotions you haven’t felt in years
  • find that things start to move in your life (you don’t feel stuck)

"…since we released my Heart Wall, I’ve noticed a lot more acceptance of myself and others…there’s more love across the board for me… I’m sharing a lot more of myself and sharing honestly--rather than what I thought needs to be said, which is new for me."

Kim W.

Working with The Subconscious AND the Conscious

Releasing your Heart-Wall is essential to living a happy, fulfilled life.

AND, if I were to just clear your Heart-Wall without giving you the tools to not rebuild it, I would be doing you a disservice.

95% of who we are is our subconscious—the patterns that run us without us even needing to think about it.

We need to release the trapped emotions so that we can live from a fuller, authentic place; which is what the Heart-Wall removal is.

The other 5%, our conscious mind, is the part of us that needs to be “re-trained” as those emotions so that we don’t re-create the wall around your heart.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people whether it was as a Therapist, a holistic health coach, a results coach or energy healer.

What I’ve found is that if you don’t combine the subconscious and conscious level work, we’ll continue to repeat the same patterns over and over.

Which is why I created the “Release Your Heart-Wall” Online Course

What You’ll Experience in the “Free Your Heart-Wall” Online Course

* Release emotions that are creating Your Heart-Wall

* 2 Private 1:1 calls & texting support between

* 13 videos trainings with tips & tools to use so you do not rebuild your Heart-Wall

Normally, this would be over $3,500 in value ~ and Priceless for who you will become without your Heart-Wall.

You Can Experience this life-shifting process for only $847

"I thought that the Heart-Wall release would be like a big-bang but it was more like a slow & gentle sunrise. As time went on I noticed more and more changes in me. "

Erin F.
North Carolina

Are You Ready To Be Free?

If you are ready to free yourself from the wall of trapped emotions that are holding you back from experiencing more love, joy, connection and success, click below to schedule a call so we can see if this is a good fit for you.


50% Complete

Two Step

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